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Mälardalen University

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A propos de l'employeur

Mälardalen University is one of Sweden’s large institutes of higher education. The University has over 12,000 students studying one of our approximately 65 programmes and 1,000 courses and almost 1,000 faculty and staff. Mälardalen University is situated in the densely populated and expansive region around Lake Mälaren, about one hour by train from Stockholm and Arlanda Airport. The University is characterised by its close cooperation with companies and with the public sector in the region and by its distinct environmental profile. Mälardalen University conducts education that leads to employment and invests in research which generates beneficial solutions for societal development. Mälardalen University, with its campuses in Eskilstuna and Västerås, is a central driving force in the region. Thanks to our close contacts with companies and HEIs all around the world, we offer an international study and working environment.

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