
HAS University of Applied Scieces

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About the employer

HAS University of Applied Sciences is the best educational and expertise Centre in the Southern Netherlands for the agrifood and environment sectors, with 2 sites: 's-Hertogenbosch and Venlo.

Basic principle of our internationalisation strategy: “Excellent professional education is an international effort.”

We are currently ranked the 2nd best medium-sized University of Applied Sciences (according to keuzegids.org) in the Netherlands. We currently have over 450 employees, 3,000 students and 300 participants on professional courses. The dynamic triangle of students, lecturers and business forms the core of our activities.


The Netherlands has the ambition to reach the global top 5 of knowledge economies. This requires internationally orientated education policy. Those in education who look inward will not be attuned to the global labour market for higher education. Internationally active organisations demand knowledge workers who are used to looking across borders. So it's essential for students to gain international experience while still studying.

Strengthening the international profile of HAS University of Applied Sciences fits the growing importance of international knowledge in professional practice. We do this by offering our students and staff international opportunities.

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