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FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences

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About the employer

Back in 1994, FHV – Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences launched the first applied sciences study programmes in Austria, and it is a pioneer among Austrian universities of applied sciences. 

FHV and its degree programmes are accredited for an unlimited period by the Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. This accreditation confirms compliance with recognised standards for university studies and is regularly reviewed (=re-accreditation). One primary goal of re-accreditation is the guarantee of the quality of study.

FHV is a post-secondary, university-level public institution sponsored by the state of Vorarlberg. Its employees originate and mediate knowledge and competences through study, research and continuing education. A total of 12 degree programmes are offered in the fields of business administration, engineering and technology, design and social work. Six of these are Bachelor's degree programmes and six are Master's degree programmes. Six programmes of study can be completed as part-time studies. Knowledge is mediated efficiently and with practical orientation in small group settings. The high didactic competences of the lecturers ensure uniform teaching quality. These quality standards are supported by laboratories equipped with cutting-edge technology in which students and colleagues work on relevant current topics. The direct link between research and studies exposes students to current research issues early on. At FHV, scientists and students work in the fields of "process and product engineering", "microtechnology", "user-centred technologies", "social sciences and economics", "mechatronics" and "energy". Both the study programmes and research have an international orientation to enable students and employees to gain valuable experiences abroad. 

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