
University for Continuing Education Krems

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About the employer

The University for Continuing Education Krems opened its doors in the autumn of 1995. The on-campus operation started just a few weeks after the opening with 93 students attending three study courses for European Integration and Journalism. The federal law on foundation came into force on April 8, 1994.

Today the University for Continuing Education Krems is the leading public university for continuing education in Europe. With its expertise in teaching and research it works to overcome societal challenges.

As university for continuing education we specialize in enhancing the qualifications of working professionals. The strength of the University for Continuing Education Krems is providing university courses that keep pace with the times and are oriented toward current and future societal challenges. Approximately 8,000 students from around 90 countries are currently enrolled in University for Continuing Education Krems, more than 30,000 have already completed their studies successfully.

Research at University for Continuing Education Krems is centered on contemporary and future challenges society faces. In a transdisciplinary context we build bridges between basic research and practice-oriented application, between individual disciplines and in particular to society.

The University for Continuing Education Krems combines ongoing innovation in research and teaching with the highest standards and holds the seal of quality of the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria).


Faculty of Health and Medicine

Faculty of Business and Globalisation

Faculty of Education, Arts and Architecture

As an employer, the university offers not only jobs in the academic sector but also diverse positions within the general university staff. The approximately 720 employees play a significant role in achieving the strategic goals, and the importance of continuing education is emphasized within the university staff as well.


Our employees benefit from a wide range of offers such as: 

  • Innovative and modern working environment
  • Possibility of home office and mobile working (max. 42% of working hours)
  • Very good opportunities for further education within the framework of our own study programs, extensive offer of workplace health promotion as well as the University Sports Institute (USI)
  • Special conditions at various companies
  • Possibility of company pension scheme
  • Regular employee parties and events


  • Within the German-speaking countries we are the only public university for continuing education. We have many years of experience in which we have established our leadership in the field of university-based continuing education. Our ambition is to provide outstanding quality to the highest international standards.
  • We identify and are deeply involved in current and future societal challenges and tailor our study programs to address them.
  • Our study model is oriented toward the specific requirements of adult learners in all phases of life and especially to the needs of working professionals.
  • The (professional) experience of our students and teachers is embedded in our teaching and research activities and ensures an intense transfer of knowledge and skills.
  • We are committed to research with a high degree of transdisciplinarity.
  • Our campus offers a service-oriented and inspiring working environment for our students and staff.

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