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The Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD) is an inter-university central institute at TU Berlin in cooperation with the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.  


BIFOLD conducts groundbreaking foundational research in Big Data Management (DM) and Machine Learning (ML), as well as their intersection, to educate the talents of the future and to create high-impact knowledge. It is one of six national competence centers for artificial intelligence (AI) and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the State of Berlin. The institute’s overarching research priorities are to increase confidence in the use of AI methods, to enable a broader mass of people to build and use AI applications, and to use big data and machine learning models as efficiently as possible, thus conserving resources.

In doing so, BIFOLD sets the following goals:

  • Advance theoretical and algorithmic foundations for DM & ML and their interfaces in an internationally competitive manner.
  • Conduct technical and system-oriented research on DM & ML and their interfaces in order to open up novel economic as well as scientific-technical applications.
  • Aim for a significantly simpler and better usability of ML & DM methods for business and science and in this way accelerate technology transfer and start-ups.
  • Contribute genuinely new research insights in the participating sciences by jointly exploring new interdisciplinary research fields.
  • Train significantly more DM & ML specialists for business and academia.

In addition to challenging career opportunities for scientists of all experience levels, as well as interesting administrative roles, each year in October the BIFOLD Graduate School offers 10 PhD studentships.  

Berlin is the German top address for a leading AI research institute: Berlin offers many relevant research institutions that enrich and complement each other. In addition, there are central research institutions and platforms, diverse think tanks, and the highest density of AI startups in a nationwide comparison. Berlin provides a highly attractive ecosystem for international scientists - with a wide range of networking and collaboration opportunities in research and a variety of career prospects.

Web: Bifold

Opportunities: https://www.bifold.berlin/about-us/opportunities

Twitter: @bifold.berlin

Email: coordination@bifold.berlin

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