
Berlin School of Economics

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The Berlin School of Economics offers career development programs in economics, accounting, finance and management at the PhD and Postdoc levels in a single and unique structure. Seven major institutions active in economics research in the Berlin area cooperate within the Berlin School of Economics: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, University of Potsdam, ESMT Berlin, Hertie School and WZB Berlin Social Science Center. Together they are pooling their efforts in the education of young researchers in economics.

The Berlin School of Economics combines two major career development programs: the Berlin School of Economics PhD Program and the Berlin School of Economics Research Associates Program both continuing very successful predecessor programs, the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS) and the Berlin Economics Research Associates (BERA), respectively. 

Berlin School of Economics PhD Program

The Berlin School of Economics PhD Program provides outstanding doctoral students with a vibrant, intensively networked research community. The program develops the students’ talents in a unique combination of a high-level, academic research environment together with applied, policy-oriented research opportunities. Students receive state-of-the-art coursework training and can select from a wide array of specializations for their doctoral research.

During the qualification phase of the program (about three semesters), students acquire methodological and research-oriented training in mandatory course work in economic theory, applied economics, business studies, econometrics, and economic policy. Students define their research area and find supervisory support from two supervisors. A minimum of 90 ECTS credits have to be completed in order to finish the qualification phase of the program. During the subsequent dissertation phase of the program (about three years), students write the doctoral thesis while having the opportunity to apply their knowledge in the professional research environment that is provided at the research institutions participating in the Berlin School of Economics.

The PhD Program offers four different PhD tracks: PhD in Economics, PhD in Accounting, PhD in Finance, and PhD in Management. All tracks share the same structure and general curriculum, and allow for numerous specializations.

Berlin School of Economics Research Associates Program

The Berlin School of Economics Research Associates Program promotes the careers of postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors (junior professors) in economics and adjacent fields at the research institutions participating in the Berlin School of Economics. The program recruits its members from the international job market for new PhD graduates and provides a mentoring program and multiple support structures for research activities, networking, travel to conferences, skills development and placement for its members. 

The Berlin School of Economics rests on the long-running efforts of a highly collaborative work environment of Berlin’s economic research institutions. Both Berlin School of Economics programs are connected to all major research activities of the participating institutions.

The Berlin School of Economics graduates are excellently prepared for positions in academia as well as for policy-related institutions and organizations, which is documented by a list of outstanding placements.

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