
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change

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About the employer

The Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3, is a world class interdisciplinary research centre for the study of the causes and consequences of the climate change. Led by  of the most recognized scientist in this field, Prof. María José Sanz, it is consolidating its position as one of the leader institutions in supporting the significant parts of the lifecycle of transdisciplinary climate change research at different scales (from local to global).


BC3’s mission is to strategically foster co-production of knowledge relevant to decision making by integrating environmental, socioeconomic, and ethical dimensions of climate change.


BC3 aims to steer climate change science towards the co-production of new knowledge and the co-design of policy solutions together with other stakeholders through a solid and transdisciplinary approach, with the ultimate goal to achieve sustainable, decarbonized, resilient, prosperous and inclusive future.


  • Search for excellence of long-term research, operation and management of the centre.
  • The promotion of collaboration in the fields in which the BC3 competes, actively looking for insertion in international research excellence networks, but also promoting a close cooperation with all the interest groups, as it is reflected in our transdisciplinary work.
  • People respect, a commitment with people working in BC3, developing highly qualified personnel with common but differentiated responsibilities based on equity (fairness of opportunity), promoting equality and creating an attractive social environment.
  • Social Responsibility in increasing citizens´ standard of living by climate change knowledge transference to the society and including society inputs into our research.
  • Integrity, committing with the highest ethical standards in personal and professional behaviour, and promoting transparency and sustainability in governance and operations of the centre.
  • The support to the centre members' research initiatives considering sustainable conditions of work, and the application as wide as possible, of the principle of freedom of research.

BC3 will further pursue this vision and mission by the implementation of six strategic objectives (SO): SO1) Understand past and future climate changes; SO2) Support decision making in the transition to a low carbon society; SO3) Understanding and managing terrestrial systems for sustainability; SO4) Support decision making for successful and effective adaptation; SO5) Integrated modelling of coupled human-natural systems, and; SO6) Promoting integrated interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research.  

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