
University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL)

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About the employer

The University Lyon 1 attains excellence in the fields of higher education and research. The high level of tuition, in a wide variety of subjects ranging from the health sciences to science, technology and sport studies,means that Lyon 1 can count itself among the best of the French universities.


The University Lyon 1 (with a total floor area of 443,000 m2) is situated on 13 different sites in four of the principal centres of activity of the Rhône-Alpes region of France : the cities of Lyon, Saint-Etienne and Bourg-en-Bresse and the town of Roanne. The University largely contributes to the development of this region through its partnerships with local and national companies and the regional authorities. Lyon 1 employs 2630 teacher/researchers and teachers, of which 700 are also hospital practitioners as well as a technical and administrative staff of 2000. Lyon 1 became an autonomous establishment on 1st January 2009 and with a total budget of 395 m€ Lyon 1 is one of the biggest employers of the region.

A WELCOMING UNIVERSITY, with studies that correspond to society's needs

Lyon 1's student population is of nearly 35 000. 51% of this population is female and 18% receive a student's grant. Lyon 1 is also proud to count a large proportion of foreign students (12% of its students, of 125 nationalities). Nearly 80% of students opt for vocational programmes : Lyon 1 produces no less than 9250 graduates per year.

  • The study programmes on offer in the health science faculties give access to the totality of the medical professions (doctor of medicine, pharmacist, dentist, midwife) and paramedical professions (audioprosthesist, ergotherapist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, orthoptist, physiotherapist specialised in psychomotor integration).
  • Lyon 1's science sector also offers a vast choice of subjects: the DUT diploma provides training in 17 areas of expertise for future technical managers. 57 vocational bachelor's degrees prepare students for middle management jobs. 111 master's degrees (vocational, reasearch or combined vocational and reasearch) prepare students for senior management jobs or for work in research and development. Lyon 1 also offers a very high standard of specialized vocational training in engineering (Polytech Lyon) and actuarial sciences (ISFA).
  • L'IUFM, (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres) the teacher training establishment specialized in the vocational preparation of primary and secondary teachers (of all subjects).

Lyon 1 awards 300 doctorates a year to students at the outcome of their resarch studies, conducted in the university's laboratories, in cooperation with partner industries or other educational establishments. As well as providing a wide initial undergraduate studies programme, Lyon 1 accompanies independant or company backed students in continuing professional development training.


Lyon 1 is a multidisciplinary university specializing in both fundamental and applied research and as such it can boast more than 4415 internationally published articles and 44 patents per year. The University has 73 state-funded research units working in three fields; health, the environment and material technologies. A certain number of these units are the result of the association of several laboratories into research clusters. This enables these collective structures to have a much wider field of expertise and the acces to, or the purchase of, higher performance research tools than would be possible as individual structures. The University's private sector industry intermediaries, EZUS Lyon1 and Lyon Ingénierie Projet (LIP) help Lyon 1's laboratories to reply succesfully to calls to tender for national and international research contracts.


The University is committed to more than 80 European Union projects and participates actively in The Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7). The international status of Lyon 1 as a centre of excellence for research has recently been demonstrated:

  • by the financial backing awarded to the University by the Agence Nationale pour la Recherche,
  • by the University's participation in the Thematic Network for Advanced Research called Therapeutic Innovations and Infectology,
  • as well as the Thematic Centres for Research and Healthcare: Neurocap (neuroscience), Centaure (organ transplantation) and Synergie Lyon Cancer
  • and the Istitut CarnotI@L: transport and materials science.
  • Add to this 6 research clusters in the fields of the health sciences (Lyonbiopole), nanotechnology (Minalogic), chemistry and environment (Axelera), plasturgy (Plastipolis), textiles (Techtera), sport (Sporaltec) and public transport (Lyon Urban Truck and bus 2015).

Key figures

  • France's 1st university for health sciencesimg
  • 35 000 students
  • 73 research units
  • 12 % of foreign students of 125 nationalities
  • 5000 employees
  • A budget of 395 million euros
  • 13 geographical sites



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