The first quantum revolution of the 20th century charted the development of semiconductors, transistors, lasers and, from there, computers and the internet. The accelerating second quantum revolution will transform our lives as dramatically as these first-generation technologies and will solve many of the most profound challenges of the future.
UCC Futures - Quantum & Photonics is an innovative multidisciplinary team, building on the powerful synergies of our globally renowned quantum and photonics research at Tyndall National Institute and University College Cork. We are pushing the limits of synergistic quantum and photonic research – a key element of this second quantum revolution.
UCC Futures - Quantum & Photonics will drive a generational change across multiple sectors, including fundamental quantum physics, quantum computing, data transfer, quantum metrology, sensing, quantum matter, healthcare, environment, energy and communications to deliver transformational progress, enhancing daily living while generating novel and disruptive solutions to some of the most important global issues of our time.
Applications are currently sought for a number of positions that support the ambitions of UCC Futures - Quantum and Photonics.
These academic posts are a key part of the next phase of the UCC Futures recruitment programme. Building on UCC's existing significant expertise and capacity across the social sciences, this programme of recruitment will drive a creative, inclusive, and interdisciplinary approach to this area and provide transformative leadership that will further enhance UCC's outstanding research and research-informed teaching.
Applications are particularly welcome from those with a disruptive and transformative research focus.
Explore the posts below for more information on the posts and who to contact for informal enquiries for each.