
Statens Serum Institut

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About the employer

Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is an institute under the (Danish) Ministry of Health whose purpose is to prevent and control infectious diseases, congenital disorders and biological threats, cf. the Danish Health Act §222.

SSI’s tasks include:

  • Surveillance and control of infectious diseases and congenital disorders.
  • Reference laboratories for infectious, autoimmune, congenital and genetic diseases.
  • Ensuring the supply of vaccines, other biological products and diagnostic services through production and procurement.
  • Preparedness against biological terrorism.
  • Research and development in the Institute’s areas of activity at an international level.

SSI aims to ensure advanced control of infectious diseases, including new infections and biological threats.

The Institute also strives to be a highly regarded and recognized national and international research, production and service enterprise.

For more than 100 years SSI’s main task has been to secure the preparedness towards infectious diseases and congenital disorders. The tasks have been expanded, and today, SSI is an international research, production and service enterprise.

Building 41 is SSI’s original main building from 1902. The building is illustrated in SSI’s logo.

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