To address the aim of successful multidisciplinary and intersectoral training, SOCRATES training is structured along two dimensions: thematic areas and disciplinary areas. The thematic perspective encapsulates functional challenges that apply to R&D. The following five thematic areas are identified as particularly important, and hence are given special attention in the project: Emotion, Intention, Adaptivity, Design, and Acceptance. The disciplinary perspective encapsulates the necessity of inter/multi- disciplinary and intersectoral solutions. Figure 1 illustrates how the six disciplinary areas are required to address research tasks in the five thematic areas. For instance, to successfully address an interface design task in WP5, theory and practice from all disciplinary areas typically must be utilised and combined.
SOCRATES organises research in five work packages WP2-6, corresponding to the thematic areas Emotion, Intention, Adaptivity, Design, and Acceptance. More information on WP2-6 can be found in the RESEARCH menu above.
SOCRATES offers a training programme comprising both individually tailored activities, and network-wide activities. To provide practical training for academic careers, all ESRs are actively involved in the implementation and organisation of these activities.
Business related training given through courses (in Business Plan Writing, Business development, and IPR), industrial secondments, and through the business oriented workshop organised by FHG. Each ESR has a personal business coach assigned by the business unit at the local university, or one of the project partners. This training arrangement gives the ESR access to consulting regarding commercialization of research ideas, and direct support for initial market investigations and patent searches.