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SAM & PARTNERS Assessment Center Paris is specialized in Employee Assessment for Healthcare industry and uses a wide range of psychometric and development tools available in 32 different languages.
Fast moving environment, the need for agility management, fast improving learning curve, suggest that individual or team diagnosis should be used as performance predictors to ensure successful company projects.

SAM & PARTNERS Assessment Center Paris along with perfect knowledge of Healthcare stakes and challenges by its experienced founders as former CEO, HR and Business development managers, offers in depth practice of Assessment and psychometric tools, scientifically validated and available in 32 different languages.
Partnerships established with international well known and liable brands allow us to be promptly reactive, as well to set up Assessment projects as to delivering profiles and recommendations.
On-going learning and adaptability to change become crucial and drive an increasing need to detect individual and highly skilled profiles for anticipation and performance management.
In this context, Talent diagnosis is a must to identify managers and future leaders an organization needs to develop success.

To meet this increasing need for Assessment and development projects by companies, SAM & PARTNERS Assessment Center Paris takes advantage of its its global specialized solutions from executive search to assessment and development programs.

Beyond Assessment, SAM & PARTNERS Assessment Center Paris provides development support to employees, managers or Leaders.

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