
IMT Mines Albi

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About the employer

A school of the ministry of industry, the higher national school of mines of Albi-Carmaux is part of the Mines-Telecom Institute, which is today the first group of schools of engineering and management in France.  IMT Mines Albi is also an associate member of the Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées and partner to a great number of institutions and prestigious universities in France and abroad. These privileged partnerships make it a welcoming ‘grand école’ and research centre, rich in opportunities, and in economic and professional development prospects. Joining IMT Mines Albi means being part of this network and benefiting from its expertise and the wide variety of opportunities it offers.


The school is moving forward to transform the concepts, technologies and practices of the future. At the forefront of industrial issues on the international stage, it acts as a local scientific and economic driver. The specificity of the IMT Mines Albi is to combine 4 missions in a virtuous circle that promotes innovation.

Training engineers

IMT Mines Albi is a multi-disciplinary, innovative, humanist and international engineering school that incorporates the dynamic of sustainable development in its management.

IMT Mines Albi offers a wide array of undergraduate and graduate courses :

  • General engineering diploma through student programmes or by apprenticeship
  • Masters or specialized masters diploma
  • PhD diploma

Every year, more than 200 engineers, 50 masters students and 30 doctors graduate from the School.

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