
Human Technopole

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About the employer

Human Technopole will contribute to promoting human health and well-being through biomedical research in the field of life science. Our aim is to develop novel approaches in personalised and preventive medicine. 

Our initial focus is on five research areas: genomics, neurogenomics, structural biology, computational biology and data analysis.

Human Technopole is based in Palazzo Italia and is envisioned as a large-scale research infrastructure. We will set up and operate scientific facilities and services to be made available to external scientists. These will respond to the needs of the national and international life sciences research community. 

We drive innovation and progress by promoting technology transfer and proactively engaging in relations with industry, to foster the translation of scientific discoveries into tangible applications for the benefit of patients and of society at large.

FInally an important element to HT's mission will be the dissemination of scientific activities and achievements to reinforce the message that science is a public good. 

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