
Hof University of Applied Sciences

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About the employer

The business, informatics, engineering and textile courses at Hof University of Applied Sciences are international, innovative and interdisciplinary. The university fosters close relationships with foreign universities, companies and organisations, and our students can gain significant experience abroad.

"Work is a lot more fun in an environment like this - for both students and staff"

This motto applies equally to the university and the town. Founded in 1994, Hof University of Applied Sciences is situated in the heart of new Europe, in a region near the Czech border where the three states of Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia meet. Its modern architecture and new facilities (lecture halls, cafeteria, library and high tech laboratories) create an attractive studying environment. The campus has a sports complex and refectory. The university, town and local industry collaborate to promote the well-being of the students. Accomodation at reasonable prices is easy to find in Hof especially in our newly built hall of residence.

Hof is an appealing university town. There are plenty of free-time activities: cultural events are provided by the annual international film festival, theatres and the symphony orchestra. To relax, there are numerous bars, cinemas, the town park or the "Untreusee" (lake).

Modern education in textiles takes place in Münchberg. This education, which has developed from a traditional centre for textiles, has been unique for 150 years. Extensive laboratories and workshops with ultra-modern machines enable small groups of students to complete their studies successfully.

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