
HS Gesundheit

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In addition to a total of six undergraduate bachelor degree programmes, the Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum (University of Applied Sciences) founded in November 2009 in Bochum also offers an extra-occupational bachelor degree programme and a consecutive masters degree programme in health care.

The hsg is the only state university in Germany to offer the five health care professions of occupational therapy, midwifery, speech and language therapy, nursing and physiotherapy as undergraduate bachelor degree programmes. These five degree programmes, as well as the masters degree programme 'Evidence-based Health Care' are offered by the Department of Applied Health Sciences. The Department of Community Health also offers the full-time degree programme 'Health and Diversity Studies', as well as the extra-occupational degree programme 'Community Health Care'.

Special features of the hsg are a modern didactic concept, the close interlocking of theory and practice, early networking with external practice partners and intensive support during the course of studies. As a partner of the Healthcare Campus North Rhine-Westphalia, the hsg opens up extensive perspectives for its students in the growing health care sector. With the conception of masters degree programmes, the hsg also offers its graduates the possibility to further scientifically qualify themselves beyond the bachelor degree.

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