
Halmstad University

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About the employer

Halmstad University – often called The Innovation Driven University – was founded in 1983. The University has, from the beginning, been characterised as forward-thinking and cross-border.

Three profile areas

Halmstad University conducts education and research within a broad field, but three profile areas are prominent:

  • Innovation Sciences
  • Information Technology
  • Health and Lifestyle

These areas make a base for the University’s activites and it is also in these that the University offers education on a postgraduate level.

Education for the future

The University is known for its popular and reality-based programmes and small student groups. Today, the University has around 9 100 students (5 000 full-time students) and offers 65 programmes and 140 courses within several subject fields.

Research for innovation

The research is internationally renowned and is carried out in close collaboration with players outside the University. A lot of the research is also done within the University. The University is – as one of five universities in Sweden – appointed a so-called KK environment by the Knowledge Foundation.

Collaboration for development

The University actively participates in social development through collaboration with both industry and the public sector. The University’s programmes are repeatedly ranked among the best in the country in collaborating with employers. In Confederation of Swedish Enterprise’s latest survey, the Pre-school Teacher Education was named the best in the country and three of the top ten educations, in all categories, were at the University.

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