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About the employer

GEVES is the French Group for the Study and Control of Varieties and Seeds. It is a Public Interest Group associated with INRA, the French Ministry of Agriculture and GNIS.

The main official missions of GEVES are  :

  • to conduct DUS and VCUS studies for the Registration of new varieties in the Official Catalogue
  • to conduct DUS studies for the Legal protection of varieties (PBR)
  • to evaluate the quality and the varietal identity of seed lots and  for  the Certification of seeds, for species requiring statutory certification.

The different activities of GEVES include :

  • Describing varieties and evaluating genetic progress
  • Assessing seed quality
  • Methodological research
  • Management of genetic ressources
  • Training
  • Engagement at European and International level
  • Monitoring of a the national network of laboratories for seed analyses
  • Organisation of inter-laboratory tests

GEVES has expertise in all species.

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