
French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis (ISL)

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About the employer


The French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis is a binational institution established by the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the basis of a treaty signed in 1958.
Additionally to its original mission “Research, scientific studies and basic predevelopment in the armament domain”, ISL has reinforced its activities on problems of civil security and countermeasures against terrorism encountered both at home and during overseas military operations.

The classical working areas of ISL include: acoustics, detonics, development of laser sources, high-power electronics, optronics and sensors, protection and environment of soldiers, aerodynamics and flight mechanics, ballistics, laser-matter interaction and high-power microwaves.

In a network of partnerships with other European institutes, technical and scientific services and industrial partners, ISL offers its scientific and technological competence to the Ministries of Defence for the development of new technologies to ensure the current and future capabilities of the armed forces.

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