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Supported and co-funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie COFUND PhD Programme (Grant Agreement # 945357) and 40 other partners, DESTINY is a European Doctorate Programme that will create a paradigm change in battery research, in line with the new European context, especially Battery 2030+, a large-scale and long-term European research initiative. The vision is of inventing the sustainable batteries of the future, providing European industry with disruptive technologies and a competitive edge throughout the battery value chain. The 5-year project will train 50 PhDs by focusing on three main challenges: 1) Reinvent battery materials discovery and engineering, 2) Develop smart batteries and functionalities and 3) Implement new technologies in industry. All of these benefit from the combined excellence of the big DESTINY European consortium. The project is aiming at delivering a competitive edge to European Industry and Academy within the rapidly emerging green technology areas of Electro-mobility and Large-scale energy storage in a wide sense.

All candidates will be trained at the very forefront of battery research to enable them to accelerate and exploit novel technologies from a solid basis of knowledge and skills. Interdisciplinary competences and skills will be favoured through the complementarity within DESTINY – enabling the PhD students to adopt and excel in: Modelling and Artificial Intelligence for Accelerated Materials Discovery, Advanced (electrochemical) Analysis Techniques (diffraction, spectroscopy) including operando characterization, battery monitoring, smart battery functionalities, crystal chemistry, safety, technology transfer and prototyping.

In addition, DESTINY includes a broad set of trainings in transferable skills : personal effectiveness, research governance, entrepreneurship, engagement, influence and impact.

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