
Deltion College

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About the employer

Deltion College is a regional education centre (regionaal opleidingencentrum, ROC) active in nearly every discipline offered at senior secondary vocational education (MBO) level. Our Sprint Lyceum offers fast-track courses at pre-university education (VWO), senior general secondary education (HAVO) and preparatory secondary vocational education (VMBO) level. We also offer adult education courses and are experts in providing company training courses. With a staff of over 1,000, Deltion College currently offers its training and education services to 18,000 students and course participants.

Our mission

Reflected in all of our core activities, our mission is to ensure that we always offer added value to our target groups. This focus enables us to ensure the continual improvement of our teaching activities and organisational operations. In short, we are always aware of the value we offer our various target groups, including students, businesses, government and society as a whole.

Our vision

Deltion College’s vision of its own organisation is best expressed in a number of ambitious qualities.


We continually identify developments in the fields in which we are active and are flexible enough to promptly translate these into new concepts. We are keenly aware of our playing fields, and this awareness characterises the mindset of our organisation. We identify trends and developments, integrating and translating them in our work.


We continually seek out the best solutions, as part of which we are prepared to take risks. We are proactive, seize opportunities, think outside the box, take risks and seek out new public and private markets. Openness and trust are key to our culture of enterprise.

Effective and efficient management

At Deltion College, it’s a matter of course that our teaching activities and basic organisational processes are in order at all times – effective, efficient and under control.

Uniting students and staff

We are engaged with Deltion College as a whole, our students and our staff.


We provide added value to society as a whole and the business community and institutions in particular by providing students with the best possible learning environment to develop into agile entrepreneurs and employees, armed with a qualification that will always remain socially relevant and the set of competences they require.

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