
Deakin University Australia

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About the employer

Deakin University is renowned for:

  • excellent teaching and innovative course delivery
  • a student-focussed culture
  • being accessible, helpful and friendly.

Deakin is a sector leader for student satisfaction, currently first in Victoria and third in Australia (Australian Graduate Survey).

Deakin was awarded a 5-star rating by the prestigious university ranking organisation Quacquarelli Symonds (QS).

Deakin regularly does well in national awards for teaching excellence.

Deakin has achieved considerable success in ARC and NHMRC grants and the Australian government's Excellence in Research (ERA) initiative has assessed much of Deakin's research as being either world-class or above world standards.

Deakin facts and statistics

Deakin is Australia's 9th largest university with over 42,000 students, of whom approximately a fifth are international students from over 100 countries.

Our students

  • Deakin has over 42,000 students
  • We have more than 8,000 international students from over 100 different countries
  • 29% of our students study off-campus, while 35% of our students study part-time
  • 40% of our domestic students, and 28% of our international students, are mature age (25 or older)
  • More than 22% of our domestic students come from regional and remote areas
  • 2% of our students are indigenous (the largest number of indigenous students at any Victorian University)
  • Almost 5% of our students have a disability

Our staff and resources

  • Deakin employs more than 3,300 staff.
  • 47% of our staff are Academic (lecturers and teaching staff)
  • Our library holds more than 1.5 million books
  • Our buildings have a total floor area of 414,000 square metres, and we're still building.

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