
Danish Diabetes and Endocrine Academy

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Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA) constitutes an original networking platform for a national diabetes research strategy that is rational and science-based, and which will strengthen both basic and clinical research in diabetes. DDA is expected to foster enhanced collaboration between Danish diabetes research environments and ensure rapid distribution and shared access to novel research results, ideas and technologies, thus benefiting other research groups within the organisation.

Danish Diabetes Academy (DDA) was established September 1, 2012 with a 5-year grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation of DKK 201,880,000 (EUR 27,059,485). Danish universities and university hospitals provided co-funding totalling DKK 100,000,000.

Since its foundation, DDA has accomplished the following: 

  • Anually DDA has hosted two residential PhD courses, one Winter School for postdocs and more than four national and international seminars. Almost 70% of invited speakers at the seminars were recruited internationally. The average number of participants at the seminars has been over 100.
  • DDA has established a PhD Network of Diabetes and Metabolism, with eight of nine university PhD programmes in Denmark taking part.
  • DDA has organized eight networking activities annually, with the participation of Danish professional societies. The DDA also initiated a flourishing collaboration with international research institutions on PhD courses and postdoctoral training.
  • DDA has financially supported 90 PhD fellowships, 35 national and international postdoctoral fellowships, 12 visiting professorships and one full-time professor. These researchers have published 300 papers, predominantly in high-impact journals.

January 1, 2018, DDA received a new 5-year grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) of DKK 156,000,000 to support education of the next generation of diabetes researchers, as well as networking and research collaboration initiatives. 


Danish Diabetes Academy promotion video from Danish Diabetes Academy on Vimeo.

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