
CEA Tech

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About the employer

CEA Tech is building on CEA Leti’s successful track record innovating for industry. Our organization’s 4,500 researchers and administrative staff are dedicated to bringing manufacturers a broad range of Key Enabling Technologies developed by Leti, List, Liten, and other CEA operating divisions. What makes CEA Tech unique in France is a strategic focus on four key pillars:

Pillar 1 CEA Tech operates at Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) 3 to 7, serving as an innovation catalyst and accelerator for businesses.

Pillar 2 CEA Tech develops Key Enabling Technologies of interest to all industries and all types and sizes of businesses, from major multinational corporations to SMBs and start-ups. These technologies are protected by patents held by the CEA, the world’s leading filer of international patents.

Pillar 3 CEA Tech boasts international-caliber technology platforms available for use by partner businesses at a competitive cost.

Pillar 4 CEA Tech has built a results-oriented organizational culture based on a long history of cooperation between research and industry. Our researchers and staff deliver proven experience transferring new technologies to industrial-scale manufacturing facilities.

CEA Tech has locations both in Grenoble and Saclay.

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