
Amsterdam Business Research Institute (ABRI)

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About the employer

The Amsterdam Business Research Institute (ABRI) was established in 2009 and builds on a long history of research and teaching at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. It is currently one of the largest institutes of business and management research in Europe. Located in the midst of the business and financial district of Amsterdam – the Amsterdam ZuidAs – the distinct expertise of ABRI lays in the business performance and management of professional and financial services. With a specific focus on this sector, ABRI faculty conducts research and offers doctoral (PhD) education in six areas:

  1. Accounting & Financial Management
  2. Information & Innovation Management (Digital Innovation)
  3. Logistics & Operations Research
  4. Marketing
  5. Organisational Behaviour & HRM
  6. Strategy & Organisation (including Entrepreneurship)

ABRI unites renowned Dutch and international research fellows who publish in, and are part of, editorial board of journals including Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and many specialized top-tier journals.

With the many visiting professors from top institutes, and collaborations with a broad variety of companies, ABRI has developed a wide and sustainable network of academic scholars and business partners. This allows for societal and managerial relevant research and high quality output. For instance, most of our PhD students spend time abroad during their project and work with excellent researchers at MIT, Haas School of Business, McGill, NYU Stern, or Texas A&M. Placements include universities in Hong Kong, Montreal, Waterloo, Rotterdam, and Cambridge, and several influential corporations.

ABRI’s graduate school offers doctoral education and training for different groups:

  • MSc Honours in Business Research
  • Research MSc and Phd students
  • Executive PhDs (part-time)
  • Junior faculty

For instance, the Research MSc Programme of Business in Society is ideal for preparing a PhD: It takes two years of coursework and includes numerous options to collaborate with excellent supervisors and to prepare your academic portfolio (including course work, first paper to include in the dissertation, and a PhD grant proposal) for when applying for a (3-y) PhD position in which you finalize your doctoral dissertation.

ABRI aims to develop talent in an open, constructive and friendly atmosphere, and to make a difference in science, business and society.

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