
AIIA Laboratory

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About the employer

AIIA Lab is active for more than two decades in Artificial Intelligence, Information Analysis and intelligent Digital Media.

Its  topics  of  interest  span  the  areas  of  autonomous systems, computational intelligence, computer vision, digital image/video  processing, parallel/distributed computing, human-centered interfaces, multimedia security/protection and biometrics/privacy protection and semantic media analysis and description. It has undertaken more than 70 R&D projects in those areas.

It consists of five faculty members and post-doc/Phd/MSc Researchers. The group has strong cooperation with other Universities, research centers and industrial partners in the area of its interests through projects mainly funded by the European Union.
Its topics of interest span the following areas:

Affective Computing
Ambient Intelligence
Autonomous Systems
Biomedical Image/Signal Processing
Cognitive Neuroscience
Computational Intelligence
Computer Graphics and Visualization
Computer Vision
Cultural Heritage Conservation
Deep Learning
Digital Image/Video Processing
Digital Media
DRM/IPR Protection
Distance learning
Human Centered Computing
ICT and Ageing
Language Engineering
Machine Learning
Mobile Multimedia Processing for Emergency Handling
Multimedia Information Retrieval
Personal Health Systems
Semantic Media Analysis
Signal Processing
Speech and Audio Processing
3D Image/Medical Image Processing
Virtual Reality in Medicine/Dentistry

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