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ADAGIO offers 15 post-doctoral fellowships in either of one the 2 hosting institutions: the University of the Basque Country, Spain, and the University of Bordeaux, France.


ADAGIO (Advanced ManufacturIng Research Fellowship Programme in the Basque – New Aquitaine Region) is MSCA COFUND post-doctoral fellowship programme.

The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the University of Bordeaux (UBx) created this cross-border Programme to enhance the research and innovation (R&I) capacity and high-quality human resources of the regions of New Aquitaine and Euskadi in the area of Advanced Manufacturing.

The main objectives of the ADAGIO Fellowship Programme are as follows:

  • Strengthening cross-border and transnational mobility of excellent researchers of any nationality in Europe in the area of Advanced manufacturing in which the Euroregion New Aquitaine – Euskadi – Navarre is already well positioned
  • Offering inter-sectoral and international experiences for ADAGIO fellows through close cooperation between the Universities, non-academic research institutes and companies located in the cross-border area of New Aquitaine and Euskadi.
  • Development of fellows’ research-related skills through close supervision and mentoring.
  • Acquisition of transferable skills through additional trainings and the implementation of the applied researched in the outside-academia partner organisations.
  • Contribution to the EU societal challenges by boosting the career of talented researchers recruited by the Programme.
  • Enhancement of the cross-border and international networking and regional cooperation between academic and non-academic agents in the chosen fields.
  • Strengthening of Europe’s human capital in R&D in the field of advanced manufacturing.
  • Enhancement of innovation by transferring knowledge & technology to the cross-border New Aquitaine – Euskadi market.


ADAGIO invites experienced researchers to develop their own innovative scientific 36-month project in one of the 5 selected areas within the field of Advanced Manufacturing, namely:

  • Advanced Materials And Processes Groups
  • Intelligent, Flexible & Efficient Production Systems
  • Digital And Connected Factory
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Sustainable Manufacturing

Candidates will carry out a 36 month advanced research project in one of the research groups of the hosting institutions and may combine it with a more applied research path oriented towards market needs, by doing up to 12 months secondments and/or short stays, with a recommended minimum of 3 months per project. These secondments may take place in at least one of the industrial partner organisations listed on the website “Partner organisations” page or in another partner organisation chosen by the candidate and added during the implementation of the Programme.

ADAGIO programme does not only allow experienced researchers to develop their own innovative scientific project, it also offers high-quality scientific and multidisciplinary training, and a complementary cross-cutting agenda based on the scientific and technological capabilities of the two recruiting universities in the field of Advanced manufacturing.

The partner organisations involved will also contribute to the training of the fellows by providing opportunities in transversal sectors such as knowledge transfer, innovation, or entrepreneurship.


This implements the political framework established by the creation of the Euroregion New Aquitaine – Euskadi – Navarre. The Euroregion embraces the following strategic orientations:

  • Higher education and research. Intensify cooperation in the fields of teaching and research, develop the knowledge economy through the following actions:
    • Continue the work developed by the universities of Euskadi and New Aquitaine, respectively, in the Basque Network for Science and Technology (RVCTI), and the University of Bordeaux Initiative of Excellence (IdEx).
    • Development of mobility, facilitating, favouring and promoting exchanges of researchers and students.
  • Development of research collaboration.
  • Technological and cultural innovation. Contribute effectively to the diversification of the economy into new fields of activity and technologies, with strong development potential.
  • Reproduce the Strategic Plan 2014 - 2020 by improving mutual knowledge and communication between companies from the three territories of the Euroregion, and the agents and facilitators of research, development, technological innovation (increase cross-border start-ups), training (vocational and university) and employment.

Advanced Manufacturing has been identified as one of the key sectors in order to promote the economy of knowledge, innovation and competitiveness described above, and the ADAGIO Programme could be a perfect tool to get it.

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