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University of Liège (ULiège)

Permanent full-time scientific position - Faculty of Sciences - Field: Physics

2025-03-15 (Europe/Brussels)
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Start date: 01/10/2025

The University of Liège is the biggest French-speaking public university in Belgium. It employs more than 5,700 staff members across four campuses, including 3,600 active teachers and researchers in all fields of the human and social sciences, science and technology, and health sciences. It hosts nearly 27,000 students of 123 different nationalities in one of the most multicultural and dynamic cities in Europe, less than an hour from Brussels and Cologne, two hours from Paris, and three hours from London and Amsterdam.

Actively involved in the social and environmental transition, ULiège supports students to fulfil their roles as responsible citizens (training in sustainable development, Green Office, etc.) and promotes ethical, multidisciplinary and open research. ULiège is committed to the region in which it operates and contributes towards local socio-economic development. It has developed numerous partnerships, notably with the university hospital. International and united, it participates in the European University of Post-Industrial Cities, UNIC initiative and has one of the most extensive collaborative networks in the world.

ULiège offers attractive career prospects in a high-quality working environment, promoting well-being, diversity and equality of opportunity.  Since 2011, ULiège has been proud to display the European Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R) label, which reflects its commitment to open, transparent and merit-based procedures. In addition, it recognises the quality and diversity of research in line with the recommendations of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). ULiège encourages its academic staff to travel internationally and welcomes international researchers through its EURAXESS centre.


The job of first assistant, in the field of Physics within the Department of Physics.


As part of their teaching activities, the person appointed to this permanent scientific position will participate in collective teaching activities coordinated by the Department of Physics, for a minimum of 150 hours per year. In particular, they will contribute to the transmission of knowledge and expertise through mentoring temporary scientific staff. They will also be called upon to propose and lecture specialised classes in the field of the Physics of Materials. Finally, they will actively participate in various teaching initiatives within the Department of Physics.


In terms of research activities, the specifications for the permanent scientific position will be to reinforce the experimental aspect of the Q-MAT unit (Quantum Materials) in particular the EPNM (Experimental Physics of Nanostructured Materials) research group and the SPIN (Solid State Physics, Interfaces and Nanostructures) research group working in the fields of Experimental Physics of Condensed Matter and Nanostructures. As such, the person appointed will commit to contribute to the management of the instrumental infrastructure associated with these two research groups, including training equipment users, providing services, and the general maintenance of the scientific tools.


The selected applicant will be involved in the Department of Physics services to the community through participation in activities to communicate and promote sciences with the general public, such as fairs to promote science courses, Open Days, secondary school teaching days, the “La Nuit des Chercheurs” event, the “Printemps des Sciences” event, and any other itinerant workshop initiatives aimed at secondary school pupils. They will also participate in activities relating to the implementation and consolidation of international Master’s programmes in the field of materials science and subjects relating to the Master’s in Physical Sciences.

Qualifications required / profile

  • Hold a Doctorate in Science or Applied Sciences at the time of the deadline for applications;
  • Demonstrate the teaching qualities required to teach general physics at Bachelor’s level (practical sessions, tutorials, repetitions) and to mentor Master’s students as part of their master thesis or internship;
  • Demonstrate the scientific qualities required to carry out innovative research in the field of experimental physics of condensed matter and nanostructures, including in particular knowledge and expertise in materials engineering (analysis and characterisation of thin films) and/or micro/nano-manufacturing using electron lithography, and/or low-temperature physical measurements;
  • Fluent in French (oral and written) or committed to mastering the language within the probationary period, to supervise students in English (oral and written) in an international research environment;
  • Demonstrate abilities in the field of interfacing scientific instruments through computer control.
  • Fluency in one or more programming languages and simulation tools is a major asset.
  • Demonstrate experience of working in collaboration and international networking.


The selection procedure will comply with the regulations applicable within the University of Liège.

Our institutional policy is based on diversity and equal opportunity. We select candidates based on their qualities and regardless of their age, sexual orientation, origin, beliefs, disability or nationality.


Applications should be made using an online form available at: To be eligible, applications must be submitted no later than 15/03/2025 (before midnight Belgian time).


The following documents must be uploaded in PDF format to the online application platform (see link in the “APPLICATIONS” section).

Each bulletin point = 1 PDF

  • Cover letter.
  • Curriculum vitae.*
  • Copies of diplomas and certificates.
  • Research appendix: a research file (5 pages maximum) including a report on prior or current scientific activities, as well as a research plan setting out how this will be integrated into the University of Liège.
  • Teaching appendix: a teaching file (5 pages maximum) including a report on prior or current teaching activities and a teaching plan in relation to the job description.
  • Complete list of publications.*
  • Other documents required: one copy of the five most representative publications in their career (possibly just a link) and a reason for choosing these five.

 * The format expected by the Faculty of Sciences for the CV and list of publications is set out HERE.


The appointment will be made for a two-year renewable term and may lead to a permanent appointment after an evaluation, or, in certain exceptional circumstances, immediately on a permanent basis.


Information about the nature of the position may be obtained from: Mr Thierry Bastin – tel.: +32 (0)4 366 33 93 –

Additional information may be obtained from: Ms Ninfa Greco, Administrative Director of the Faculty of Sciences  – tel.: +32 (0)4 366 50 41 –


The salary grids and their rules of application are available from the Human Resources Department of the University: Ms Valérie Melotte –

Job details

Permanent full-time scientific position - Faculty of Sciences - Field: Physics
Place du Vingt Août 7 Liège, Belgium
Application deadline
2025-03-15 23:59 (Europe/Brussels)
2025-03-15 23:59 (CET)
Job type
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The slogan of the University of Liège (ULiège) reflects its role and ambition over the past 200 years.

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