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Start date: 01/09/2025
The University of Liège is the biggest French-speaking public university in Belgium. It employs more than 5,700 staff members across four campuses, including 3,600 active teachers and researchers in all fields of the human and social sciences, science and technology, and health sciences. It hosts nearly 27,000 students of 123 different nationalities in one of the most multicultural and dynamic cities in Europe, less than an hour from Brussels and Cologne, two hours from Paris, and three hours from London and Amsterdam.
Actively involved in the social and environmental transition, ULiège supports students to fulfil their roles as responsible citizens (training in sustainable development, Green Office, etc.) and promotes ethical, multidisciplinary and open research. ULiège is committed to the region in which it operates and contributes towards local socio-economic development. It has developed numerous partnerships, notably with the university hospital. International and united, it participates in the European University of Post-Industrial Cities, UNIC initiative and has one of the most extensive collaborative networks in the world.
ULiège offers attractive career prospects in a high-quality working environment, promoting well-being, diversity and equality of opportunity. Since 2011, ULiège has been proud to display the European Human resources strategy for researchers (HRS4R) label, which reflects its commitment to open, transparent and merit-based procedures. In addition, it recognises the quality and diversity of research in line with the recommendations of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). ULiège encourages its academic staff to travel internationally and welcomes international researchers through its EURAXESS centre.
A full-time academic position, indivisible in the field of « Smart monitoring of infrastructures » within the Department of Architecture, Geology and Civil Engineering. This position includes teaching and research activities as well as services to the community.
The person in charge (M/F/X) will teach courses in the field of “Smart monitoring of infrastructures” and, more generally, participate in teaching activities organized by the Department.
By way of example, the skills of the future person in charge (M/F/X) could naturally and usefully be expressed in the following courses:
Candidates may also propose to develop specific courses that exploit synergies with their specific research.
The chosen candidate will also be involved in supervising internships and master's theses in his/her field of research.
The teaching load may not exceed 250 hours per year (including practical work and seminars).
The post-holder (M/F/X) will develop research in the field of “Smart monitoring of infrastructures” and supervise doctoral research in this field.
Aging of the existing built environment has major socio-economic repercussions, related to the significant costs associated in its maintenance, and the consequences of dramatic events such as the loss or collapse of essential (infra)structures. New technologies such as optic fiber sensing, digital image correlation, wireless sensor networks, low-cost accelerometry and crack propagation tracking techniques can be used together with rational models and bigdata analysis algorithms to detect abnormal changes in operating conditions of (infra)structures and, more importantly, to provide detailed feedback information to designers in civil engineering, for example with applications in (but not limited to) large structures such as bridges, high-rise buildings, dams, off- and onshore structures, retaining walls, etc.
Unlike unsupervised data learning, the development, update and reformulation of prior theoretical/numerical structural models, based on available measured data is prefereed. The latter is expected to provide a key added value to civil engineering design and practice on the long term. Predictions can then be realized based on adjusted structural models and therefore supportnew retrofitting strategies.
This research area offers excellent opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaborations. Specifically, the Lab for Mechanics of Materials and Structures and the Lab for Construction Materials have been involved in research on related topics over the last few decades. In addition, academic collaborations within the Department/Research Unit can be sought with research carried out in steel, concrete structures, structural dynamics, building information modelling and/or structural retrofitting.
At faculty level, collaborations are foreseen with the Departments of Aerospace & Mechanics, and Electricity, Electronics and Computer Science, for monitoring of structures, as well as the development of innovative sensors and data-driven algorithms.
Candidates with research experience on related subjects are also invited to apply.
The position holder (M/F/X) will take part in service activities to ensure the outreach of activities developed within the ArGEnCo department. The successful candidate will :
Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their applications by a selection committee set up by the School of Engineering and Computer Science. Successful candidates will then be invited to an audition, which will include a sample lesson, a presentation of their research project and a general discussion with the selection committee.
Our institutional policy is based on diversity and equal opportunity. We select candidates based on their qualities and regardless of their age, sexual orientation, origin, beliefs, disability or nationality.
Applications should be made using an on-line form available at: To be eligible, applications must be submitted no later than 15/02/2025 (before midnight Belgian time) under penalty of inadmissibility of the application
These documents must be uploaded in PDF format to the online application platform (see link in the "APPLICATIONS" section). If any of the required documents are missing, the application will be deemed inadmissible.
The position is awarded either for a fixed term of four years, or, in certain exceptional circumstances, immediately on a permanent basis.
If a fixed term contract is awarded, an evaluation will be carried out at the end of the third year.
Information about academic activities may be obtained from: Professeur Luc COURARD – tel. : +32 (0)4 366 93 50 –
Additional information may be obtained from: Ms Aurélie Lecca, Administrative Director of the Faculty of Applied Sciences – tel.: +32 (0)4 366 94 68 –
The ULiège's ArGEnCo department ( is located on the beautiful green Sart-Tilman campus, just outside the city of Liège. Our department has approximatively 200 members, including 25 academics, 6 permanent researchers, 10 post-doctoral researchers, 60 researchers, 90 PhD students and 40 administrative and technical staff. We perform cutting-edge analytical, numerical and experimental research, both fundamental and in collaboration with industry. Experimental validation is the cornerstone of our research, drawing on a remarkable set of testing laboratories with skilled staff and modern equipment.
The department's teaching programs (Masters in Civil Engineering, Mining and Geology Engineering and Architectural Engineering) are based on our research, which is socially oriented towards the rational use of the human and built environment. These three interrelated programs are designed to enable engineers to solve problems linekd to climate change, urban development and other important societal needs.
In addition to a rich academic environment, Liège and Belgium also offer conditions for a high quality of life with their accessible universal healthcare, strong free education, as well as accommodation ath reasonable prices .
Liège is a vibrant, human-scale city , offering an array of activities catering to diverse interests. We are located in the heart of Europe, less than an hour by train from the Netherlands and Germany. Train connections provide rapid access (under 4 hours) to Paris, London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt.
Basic appointments are made at the grade of lecturer.
The gross monthly salary at the start of the scale (on a full-time basis) is currently €5,992.58, to which is added an end of year allowance (in December) and a holiday allowance (in June).
In exception circumstances, the Faculty may submit a substantiated application to obtain a higher grade in the salary scale (length-of-service bonus).
The career of full-time teaching staff includes the grades of lecturer, professor, and full professor. Career development (after the recruitment grade) is possible through the promotions’ procedure, the terms and conditions of which are defined by the Board of Directors.
Please contact the Human Resources department for further information on careers, salary scales, and the terms and conditions of their application: Ms Valérie MELOTTE –
The slogan of the University of Liège (ULiège) reflects its role and ambition over the past 200 years.
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