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Södertörn University

One doctoral studentship in Gender Studies within the research area of Critical and Cultural Theory, affiliated with the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS)

2025-02-13 (Europe/Stockholm)
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Södertörn University is a higher education institution in Stockholm that conducts education, research and collaboration with the surrounding community for sustainable societal development. Education and research are conducted in the humanities, social sciences, technology and natural sciences. The university also provides police and teacher education programmes with intercultural profiles. A significant amount of our research is multidisciplinary and specialises in the Baltic Sea region and Eastern Europe. At Södertörn University we combine subjects, perspectives, people and experiences, searching for surprising syntheses, challenges and development.

Gender Studies is an expansive, internationally well-connected field of research and education which seeks to advance new forms of interdisciplinary knowledge. Our research focus is on developing feminist theory and methods, as well as on critical perspectives of power in relation to contemporary and historical formations of gender. Gender Studies offers interdisciplinary perspectives on the formation and transformation of gender and its intersections with other power structures, such as race, sexuality, class, and nationality, as well as science, technology, and nature. We are interested in how such intersections become meaningful and materialise in various historical, geographical, political, social, and cultural contexts. For more information, please click here. For a Swedish version click here.

Critical and Cultural Theory is an interdisciplinary research environment which consists of seven subjects in the humanities. Research focuses on critically motivated studies of cultural artifacts and human practices. For more information, please click here. For a Swedish version click here.

The planned research for this studentship must be relevant to the Baltic Sea region or Eastern Europe, since the position is affiliated with the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS),, which is financed by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies and is part of the Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES), at Södertörn University.

Entry requirements

NB. All credits are ECTS credits.

The general entry requirements are:

  1. a second-cycle qualification, or
  2. fulfilled requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
  3. substantially equivalent knowledge acquired in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

The Faculty Board may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds. (Ordinance 2010:1064)

Specific entry requirements
The specific entry requirements are met by someone who has 45 credits at second-cycle level in Gender Studies, including a dissertation worth at least 15 credits, or the equivalent knowledge in a closely related subject in the humanities or social sciences.

The ability to assimilate academic material in English and a command of the language necessary for work on the thesis are prerequisites for admission to the degree programme.

Admission and employment

This position includes admission to third-cycle education, i.e. research level, and employment on a doctoral studentship at the School of Culture and Education at Södertörn University. The intended outcome for admitted students is a PhD. The programme covers 240 credits, which is the equivalent of four years of full-time study. The position may be extended by a maximum of one year due to the inclusion of departmental duties, i.e. education, research and/or administration (equivalent to no more than 20% of full-time). Other grounds for extension could be leave of absence because of illness or for service in the defence forces, an elected position in a trade union/student organisation, or parental leave.  Provisions relating to employment on a doctoral studentship are in the Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, Sections 1-7.

Date of employment: 1 September 2025.

General Syllabus for third-cycle programmes in Gender Studies: English version or Swedish version

Information about admission regulations including selection criteria, and third-cycle education at Södertörn University: English version or Swedish version

Application procedure

For more details, see this website under FAQ. Please use Södertörn University’s web-based recruitment system “ReachMee”. Click on the link "ansök" (apply) at the bottom of the announcement.

Your application may be written in English or Swedish/Norwegian/Danish and must include:

- an application letter
- curriculum vitae
- degree certificate and certificates that demonstrate eligibility to apply for the position, including syllabuses and reading lists for courses you wish to be considered as equivalent to Gender Studies courses (if not written in English or Swedish/Norwegian/Danish, you must enclose a version that has been professionally translated)
- Bachelor’s essay and Master’s dissertation in the field in accordance with the entry requirements (if not written in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English, you must enclose summaries of 5-6 pages each, approximately 2500 words, in addition to copies of the essay and the dissertation in the original language)
- a research plan (project plan) of between 1000 and 1500 words. The project’s relevance to Gender Studies, Critical and Cultural Theory and studies of the Baltic Sea Region or Eastern Europe must be clear
-  name and contact details for two reference persons, and a short note on their relationship to the applicant (for example supervisor).

If available, a maximum of three publications may also be attached.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Application deadline: 13 February 2025 at 23:59

Further information
Ulla Manns, Director of Studies, (third cycle), (questions about the subject, general and specific entry requirements, selection, research plan etc.)
Florence Fröhlig, Director of Studies, Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS), (questions about the Baltic and East European Graduate School)
Elina Nylander, Human Resources Officer, School of Culture and Education, (questions about employment as a doctoral student)

Job details

One doctoral studentship in Gender Studies within the research area of Critical and Cultural Theory, affiliated with the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS)
Alfred Nobels allé 7 Huddinge, Sweden
Application deadline
2025-02-13 23:59 (Europe/Stockholm)
2025-02-13 23:59 (CET)
Job type
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Södertörn University provides high quality research and education at all levels, offering a friendly atmosphere and an inspiring environment.

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