Laurea University of Applied Sciences

RDI Specialist

2024-10-06 (Europe/Helsinki)
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Laurea is looking for a Specialist for international RDI projects within the field of critical infrastructure protection or related fields. This full-time and permanent position is located in Laurea’s Leppävaara campus in Espoo and starts during the fall semester 2024 according to agreement. 

Role description

As a RDI Specialist, you will be working as an expert in various international RDI project mainly funded by EU Horizon programmes. The RDI Specialist is expected to have expertise on critical infrastructure (CI) protection or on related security fields. Knowledge on some of the CI domains (e.g. energy, transportation, information) is also required. You are familiar with present national and international research initiatives in the security field alike various definitions and regulations (e.g. EU directives) in the domain. You may also have knowledge of technological and non-technological solutions for CI protection and risk assessment. A key goal in your work is to enhance knowledge of new forms of CI protection and developing solutions to it in collaboration with different partners operating in the field. In addition, you are familiar with and connected to key pan-European actors in the field and have previous work experience in international RDI projects.

We are expecting:

  • at least a Master’s degree in relevant field, doctoral degree is considered beneficial
  • knowledge on critical infrastructure protection or related fields
  • work experience in international RDI projects, particularly working in European Commission funded, such as Horizon projects, is considered beneficial
  • experience in writing funding applications for international projects
  • experience in publishing
  • good oral and excellent written communication skills in English (Finnish skills are beneficial but not mandatory)
  • experience in international teamwork and good collaboration skills, project management experience is considered beneficial
  • genuine interest to develop yourself as a professional

We offer you a respected position in one of the most attractive higher education academies in Finland, flexible ways of working including remote work and different possibilities to develop your expertise. In Laurea, we find in important you can develop yourself and affect the content of your work. Laurea is known for its expertise in safety and security related RDI work and coherent safety is one of Laurea’s three strategic research programmes. Currently, Laurea has the biggest share of Horizon funding of all Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences and most of these projects are related to coherent safety research programme. Feel free to take a look at a short video of the Horizon funded project AI-ARC. We welcome you to become part of this success story!

Laurea has a RDI career path consisting of various levels. The level of this RDI position (RDI Specialist, Senior RDI Specialist, Leading RDI Specialist) will be decided according to the criteria of the RDI career path of Laurea. Each position level has their own salary range, and the final salary will be decided according to the level of the position and the person's qualifications. Please include your salary request in your application.

Please submit your application by 6th of October, 2024 at 23.59 (Finnish time). In case you have further questions regarding the position please contact Director Tanja Johansson by phone +358 40 7104 392 or by email:

Apply between 12 September 2024 and 6 October 2024 23:59 (Europe/Helsinki)

Employment type: Permanent, full-time


Laurea-ammattikorkeakoulu on kansainvälinen Suomen metropolialueen hyvinvoinnin ja kilpailukyvyn kehittäjä. Työelämään integroitunut korkeakouluyhteisömme keskittyy soveltavaan tutkimukseen ja ammatilliseen korkeakoulutukseen yhdessä työelämän toimijoiden kanssa. Meille laurealaisille palvelulupauksen lunastaminen ja koulutuksen laadun ylläpitäminen on kunnia-asia.

Suomen vetovoimaisimpiin kuuluva ammattikorkeakoulu Laurea on osakeyhtiö, jonka liikevaihto on n. 65 M€ ja joka työllistää noin 680 henkilöä: niin opettajia, asiantuntijoita kuin tutkimushenkilöstöäkin. Opiskelijoita meillä on yli 10 000.

Job details

RDI Specialist
Vanha maantie 9 Espoo, Finland
Application deadline
2024-10-06 23:59 (Europe/Helsinki)
2024-10-06 22:59 (CET)
Job type
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At Laurea, we believe in interaction and encounters between people; the ability to meet another person is our most valuable capital. Service manage...

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