Åbo Akademi University

University lecturer in English, with specialization in literature

2024-10-31 (Europe/Helsinki)
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Åbo Akademi University is an internationally acknowledged research university with an extensive responsibility for providing education in Swedish in Finland. With its strong Nordic ties, Åbo Akademi University has an acclaimed and recognized position within research and education both nationally and internationally. 

Åbo Akademi University wishes to appoint a university lecturer in English, with specialization in literature, starting from 1 August 2025. The appointment is full-time and permanent. 

The university lecturer will work in the subject English Language and Literature, within the Study Programme of Languages in the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology (FHPT). The subject’s staff consists of two full professors and three university lecturers. About 100 students are enrolled at the subject English Language and Literature at any given time. The intake of new students is about 15–20 per year, and competition for places has always been keen. Every year about ten master’s students and 1–3 PhD researchers complete their studies.

The tasks of a university lecturer comprise teaching and research. The teaching duties of the university lecturer in English, with specialization in literature, include supervision (of BA and MA theses), examination, and teaching-related administrative duties such as course planning, student counselling and tasks in relation to admission of students. The teaching encompasses all historical periods and geographical areas of English literature including British, American and world literatures. The tasks may also include courses in spoken and written skills for students of English and introductory courses in literature directed to all students at the faculty.

The university lecturer may be provided with an opportunity to conduct research for a maximum of one third of their working hours. The university lecturer is expected to participate in research seminars and contribute to the subject's research environment. 

The possibility of external funding for research and mobility contribute to form a dynamic research and teaching environment.

A description of the subject can be found at: https://www.abo.fi/en/study-subject/english-language-and-literature/

The university lecturer is covered by the system with total working hours of 1612 hours per year and the tasks are defined and followed up in more detail in an annual work plan.

A trial period applies to all new employees.

The university lecturer is required to hold a doctoral degree in the subject they are teaching (English literature) or a closely related discipline, as well as pedagogical competence. Experience of teaching a wide range of courses in English literature is a merit.

When assessing applicants’ qualifications for the position, the following criteria will be taken into consideration and prioritized in the following order:

  • Pedagogical competence, especially relevant teaching and supervision experience, together with experience of planning and developing curricula, and studies in university pedagogics or the like.
  • Research competence, including achieved academic merits and scholarly publications in English Literature
  • Interactive competence, including good co-operation and administrative skills, and assignments in society, as well as experience of collaboration in national and international networks

Applicants may be invited to an interview and asked to give a teaching demonstration. 

The appointment will be made on the basis of an overall evaluation of the applicants’ merits, experience and ability in view of the qualifications necessary for successful performance of the duties.

Requirements concerning language proficiency for teaching positions at Åbo Akademi University are prescribed in Section 78 of the Universities Act (Universitetslagen 558/2009) and in the Guideline for Proficiency in Swedish and Finnish Required of Teachers at Åbo Akademi University (25.2.2010). Non-Finnish and non-native Finnish citizens will be exempted from the requirement to have proficiency in Swedish or Finnish. The language of instruction is English; therefore, the proficiency level required is excellent. 

The university lecturer’s salary is based on Levels 5–6 of the Job Demand Levels for teaching and research staff. In addition, an individual salary component based on personal work performance is added to the salary. Please see the salary scales for teaching and research staff. 

The application should be submitted electronically in the university recruitment system no later than 31 October 2024 at 3 PM (Finnish time) with the following enclosures:

  1. An application letter including an account of the key experience and skills relevant for the task (max. 2 pages)  
  2. CV, according to the model of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity, TENK: https://tenk.fi/sites/default/files/2021-06/TENK_CV_template_2020.pdf including a complete list of publications. 
  3. A separate list of the three most important publications that the applicant wishes to present to demonstrate their competence for this task. Please include links to the publications in the list or upload these three publications (pdf-format) in the recruitment system.
  4. A teaching portfolio, according to the model https://web.abo.fi/befattningar/Pedagogical_portfolio2021.pdf
  5. A copy of the diploma of a doctoral degree relevant to the position
  6. A copy of other diplomas and certificates (for example, for language proficiency or pedagogical studies)
  7. Research plan (max 4 pages)
  8. Contact information for two referees

Guidelines for the electronic application can be found here: https://www.abo.fi/en/about-abo-akademi-university/come-work-with-us/instructions-for-submitting-an-application/ 

Joining the dynamic and international academic community at Åbo Akademi University leads to many opportunities. As a member of staff here, various benefits will be available, on our welcoming university campus environment. These include occupational healthcare, an up-to-date research infrastructure and high-quality teaching resources, possibilities for personal development and continuing education, including the chance to study both pedagogy and languages.  

We support staff well-being through a comprehensive occupational healthcare package in addition to general sickness cover. Åbo Akademi University also offers work-related travel and personal injury insurance.

The university offers services related to health and well-being, including multiple sport and exercise-related activities via CampusSport.

Additionally, Finland itself provides many outstanding state-supported services to residents, including well-regarded daycare and primary schools that have repeatedly been ranked among the best in the world. For families, the city of Turku makes available language immersion possibilities and pre-school education in English. Turku International School, moreover, offers primary and lower secondary-level education in English.

For more information about Åbo Akademi University consult our website, www.abo.fi

For further information on the position, please contact Professor Jason Finch, email: jason.finch(a)abo.fi or (regarding the recruitment process) HR Specialist Jenni Kronqvist, email: jenni.kronqvist(a)abo.fi.

Åbo Akademi University is actively working for equal gender distribution and diversity across all personnel groups.

Job details

University lecturer in English, with specialization in literature
Tuokiokirkontori 3 Turku, Finland
Application deadline
2024-10-31 15:00 (Europe/Helsinki)
2024-10-31 14:00 (CET)
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